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Gauhati University B.Ed Admit Card 2021 : GU BED CET ADMIT CARD DOWNLOAD

Gauhati University B.Ed Admit Card 2021 : GU BED CET ADMIT CARD DOWNLOAD.

Gauhati University B.Ed Admit Card 2021

Gauhati University B.Ed Admit Card 2021

Name Of Examination: Gauhati University B.Ed. Common Entrance Test (GUBEDCET)

Session: 2021-2022

Name Of Course: B.Ed. Programme

Examination Type: Common Entrance Test

Examination Date & Time: 21st November 2021 (Sunday) from 11 AM to 1:00 PM

Question Type: MCQ

Description :

Gauhati University will shortly release the admit card for the Gauhati University B.Ed. Common Entrance Test (GUBEDCET) for admission to the GU B.Ed. Course for the 2021-2022 academic year. Candidates who applied online for the GUBEDCET 2021 may now get their call letters on the Gauhati University website.

Admit card status: Not available yet

Date of admit card availability: 8th November 2021

How To Download Admit Card:

Gauhati University B.Ed admit card releases in the online mode. Candidates who submitted their online applications may now download their call letter through online mode. 

To select eligible students to enroll for Gauhati University B.Ed Admission, all interested students must appear for a common entrance test. GUBEDCET exam structure is as mentioned below:

Total No of Questions: 100

Duration of GUBEDCET Exam: 2 hours 30 minutes

Type of Questions: All questions will be of MCQ type with four alternative choices of which only one answer will be the correct option.

Language of Question Paper: The test Booklet and the OMR will be in English. The test will be OMR based.

Marking System: There will be 4 marks for correct answer and (-1) for wrong answer. No negative marks for unanswered questions.

Written Test Syllabus:

Section = Topics = Marks

A = General English (Vocabulary, Tense, Voice, Narration, Prepositions, Correction of sentences, Comprehension) = 120

B = General Knowledge (Indian History, Indian Polity, General Science, Current affairs) = 120

C = Test of Reasoning and Numerical Ability = 120

D = Current Indian Education (Issues and Policies) National Policy on Education 2020, Universalization of Elementary Education – Right to Education, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) Secondary Education – Rastriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) = 40

Examination Centers:

Candidates will be able to appear in any one of the following GUBEDCET-2021 Centres and the same shall have to be indicated while filling up the online form. A candidate has to select any three examination Centres. A candidate will be assigned in any one of the following Centres based on the feasibility of a particular Centre.


* Nagaon

* Nalbari

* Barpeta

* Dhubri

* Rangia

* Morigaon

* Pathsala

* Mangaldai

* Goalpara

* Tezpur

* Jorhat

Official Links: 

Admit Card Download Link: Click Here

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