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Hojai Recruitment 2021: 7 Junior Assistant & Stenographer Posts Available, Apply Online

Hojai Recruitment 2021: 7 Junior Assistant & Stenographer Posts Available, Apply Online. DC Office Recruitment, Hojai. New Vacancy In Hojai District.

Hojai Recruitment 2021: 7 Junior Assistant & Stenographer Posts Available

Deputy Commissioner, Hojai.

Last Date: 23/11/2021.

Assam Goverenment Recruitment 2021


Deputy Commissioner, Hojai has released an employment notification for the recruitment of 7 Junior Assistant & Stenographer Vacancy under the the establishment of Deputy Commissioner, Hojai. Interested and eligible candidates may apply online here.

(1) Post Name » Junior Assistant

No of posts: 6 [UR: 2, OBC: 2, STP: 1, EWS: 1]

Scale of Pay: P.B-2 Rs. 14,000 to 49,000, GP-5,600/-

Age Limit » The candidates should not be less than 21 years of age and not more than 38 years of age as on 01-01-2020.

Educational Qualification » 

(a) The minimum educational qualification of the candidate shall be Degree in any discipline from a University recognized by the Government or a Degree equivalent thereto and recognized by the Government.

(b) He/ She must has good working knowledge of office productivity software tools (independent) of any operating system i.e MS Windows, Linux, Mac etc such as word processor, spreadsheet, presentation graphics, concept of database, internet, e-mail etc. Candidates must possess a minimum 6 (Six) months Diploma in computer application from institutes recognized by the Government.

(2) Post Name » Stenographer (Grade-III)

No of posts: 1 [UR]

Scale of Pay: P.B-2 Rs. 14,000 to 49,000, GP-7,400/-

Age Limit » The candidates should not be less than 21 years of age and not more than 38 years of age as on 01-01-2020.

Educational Qualification »

(a) The minimum educational qualification of the candidate shall be Degree in any discipline from a University recognized by the Government or a Degree equivalent thereto and recognized by the Government.

(b) He/ She must has good working knowledge of office productivity software tools (independent) of any operating system i.e MS Windows, Linux; Mac etc such as word processor, spreadsheet, presentation graphics, concept of database, internet, e-mail etc. Candidates must possess a minimum 6 (Six) months Diploma in computer application ‘knowledge along with a Diploma in a Stenography from institutes recognized by the Government. 

Age Relaxation: The upper age limit is relaxable by » 

* SC/ ST: By 5 years

* OBC/ MOBC: By 3 years

* PWD: By 10 years irrespective of SC/ST/OBC and General Category of candidates 

Citizenship » Candidate must be Indian citizen as defined in article 5 to 8 of the Constitution of India.

How To Apply » Interested and eligible candidates may apply online for these vacancy by visiting official Hojai Recruitment Portal.

Important Dates »

* Starting date of submission of application: 12th November 2021
* Last date of submission of application: 23rd November 2021

Official Links »

Apply Online - CLICK HERE

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