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Assam Direct Recruitment Syllabus – Exam Pattern, Syllabus & Question Paper

Assam Direct Recruitment Syllabus

Govt. of Assam already released the official employment notification of Assam Direct Recruitment 2023 for the recruitment of 12600 Grade III & Grade IV posts under various departments of Govt. of Assam. Once the online application process completed, a written examination will be held in due course of time for the selection of these posts. The recruitment process consists of a common written exam along with skill test for each category of posts and accordingly a merit list will be prepared for appointment.
The detail selection process of ADRE 2023 has not been released. As per official notification, scheme of examination will be published at least one week before the conduct of written test. Hence, candidates are requested to check the last year's selection process to get a sample idea about the exam as described below. 

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